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Location: St Augustine, Florida, United States

Among other things I am a father, grandfather, brother, uncle and fortunate member of a large and loving family without a throw-away in the bunch. Now a writer of quips, essays and short stories, I started serious writing and my first novel at age 70. A chemical engineering graduate of Purdue University in 1949, I am a dreamer who would like to be a poet, a cosmologist, a true environmentalist and a naturalist. I've become a lecturer on several subjects. That's my little buddy, Charlie, with me in the photo. He's an energetic, very friendly Lhasa Apso born in September, 2003. He's a good one!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Attack Dogs and Political Bitches

I consider myself somewhat of a maverick politically in spite of what the very liberal members of my family have decided about me because of a few of my political stances they object to. I am equally disturbed by many if not most of the ridiculous, self-serving claims made by members of both parties in defense of their own and in condemnation of the members of their opposition. These ridiculous claims and statements, both in defense and in attack, are certainly neither honest nor objective. Trained as an engineer, I began searching for a pragmatic, rational answer to this vexing situation that would explain the very emotional, polarizing and paralyzing reason for this. When I looked into it in depth, I found what seemed to me to be at least partly responsible for this activity.

My first clue came from Jane Goodall in her long time study of the chimps at Gombe. Her report provided one telling insight, albeit somewhat remote. She noted that male chimps sometimes ran through the area where the troop was gathered, screaming, waving their arms, beating their chests and creating a major ruckus just to make themselves seem bigger and stronger than other male chimps. In so doing, they often raised their status and occasionally becoming the leader of a troop, some times even without a serious fight. Does sound a bit like some politicians, doesn’t it? There was one particular lowly male who suddenly raised himself to very high status by doing this run through while batting old ten gallon cans along with his hands. The resulting clamor made so much noise the other chimps cowered in fear. This intimidation of other males gained him leadership without the use of the damaging biting fight that usually preceded a take over. Now that really does sound like a politician!

Fights for supremacy in primate societies often include recruitment of supporters willing to go to the mat with either the reigning monarch or his challenger. Alliances are formed, concessions are granted, deals are made–politics? It certainly sounds like it. Are our political battles merely upscaled primate king-maker battles? I really think so. Politics transcends all reason and feeds on pure emotion–the primal urge of all primate societies. We are, after all is said and done, just a large troop of naked apes who will argue, make loud noises to intimidate, fight and even kill to promote a leader or become one ourselves. Power is a strong driving force and a powerful aphrodisiac. The winner in most primate troop supremacy battles gets to father most of the next generation in the troop, or at least try to–just ask Bill. The sexual appeal of power is unmistakable. When I look at and hear all this political posturing I can’t help but see the actions as those of monkey pretenders and the king they would depose.

There is another factor I see as possibly related in part at least to that of our simian cousins. That is the adversary principal so dear to the hearts of attorneys. This principal, applied so diligently in the courts, has come to be the guiding principal of the legal profession and has spilled over into politics along with the vast majority of politicians who are lawyers. Basically this principal forces the attorney to look at all things from the standpoint of that which favors his client or position. I call this the “attack dog” principal. Attack your opposition with everything you can conjure up while never accepting anything damaging to your client or position. “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit” and they did in spite of the evidence. Truth be damned conviction (or acquittal) is what we are after. Because, shouldn’t we provide the best legal argument for our clients that money can buy?

The left has honed the adversary principal into a fine art. Their politicos have reached the point of literally screaming epithets– raw hatred in fact– at any who disagree with them. This is done at virtually every opportunity. Bipartisan has become a useless catch word if not a joke. Every utterance by one in power is followed by a stinging rebuttal from the opposition. Many now scream that this is their obligation, to oppose dramatically and vigorously anything proposed by the opposing candidate, legislator or office holder. No matter that the nation becomes severely damaged and polarization has become so pervasive as to dominate all reason and eliminate all cooperation. “If it’s proposed by the opposition it must be bad!” (for us!) Is there any wonder that in a nation so evenly divided it is virtually impossible to change or reform anything? While I firmly believe the vast majority of Americans to be hard working, thoughtful, caring individuals who will cooperate in almost any endeavor for the good of the entire group, I see them cast aside reason and embrace pure emotion in any political venue. “I was born a Democrat and I will die a Democrat” comes from the lips of a whole lot of people as do comparable words from many Republicans. “Don’t confuse me with the facts! My mind’s made up!” could be considered the motto of many partisans, and they mean it!

You’ll notice I have little respect for most politicians of any stripe with their duplicitous words and devious motives. They may spout meaningless pap to the public, posture mightily, make ridiculous laws, send our men to die in foreign lands, spend our money lavishly and often foolishly, feather their nests from the public treasury and a thousand other significant actions serving self rather than the nation, and promise many things while doing just the opposite, yet we are stupid enough to continue electing them time and again. I often wonder, how many public serving statesmen our nation has actually held in office the last two hundred and twenty some years. I’ll wager there weren’t many. I’ll also wager there are more true and honorable public servants reporting to the board rooms of America than walking the halls of Congress and other public buildings in Washington. Politicians who win elections do so by appealing solely to our emotions. Hate wins elections so it is used increasingly. I believe this to be a creation of our modern world of instant communication. Politics has become a fist fight with no holds barred. Facts and reality be damned, he or she who hits the hardest and fights the dirtiest will probably win. Lie, cheat, steal, bear false witness, commit whatever dirty trick or crime will sufficiently tar your opponent is fair to be used to do so. Richard Nixon would be a saint in comparison to the politicians of today. Just smile sweetly into the cameras and praise America’s “working families” and promote a “living wage” and you’ll win. That’s because the naked ape is not so far from the jungle and civilization is not really so civilized.

This brings me to my title, “Attach Dogs and Political Bitches.” In the political world there are now both attack dogs and attack bitches. The emphasis is on the word “attack.” Our political scene is peopled with these creatures. They have no concrete plans for progress–no ideas of how to solve problems–no records of creative work–often no record of any kind of productive work. What they do possess is the ability to attack and destroy. They are totally dedicated to attack mode. You find them on TV–at protest gatherings–at peace marches–at political rallies–on college campuses–on the streets in many cities. Their common denominator is hate, pure undiluted, primal hate. Like every insecure creature they hunger for attention–the TV camera–the radio interview–anyone to notice or pay attentions to them. They are demolishers, the opposite of builders–destroyers, the opposite of creators–breakers, not menders–dividers, not uniters–creators of chaos, not harmony–purveyors of hatred, not love.

There is a very old story about the differences between builders and wreckers. A man bought an old house and planned to tear it down and build a new one. The first bid he sought was for the demolition of the house. The bidders were all rough men in ragged, filthy clothes driving old, battered trucks. Each promised to do the job including hauling the rubbish to the dump. The next bid he asked for was for the design and construction of his new house. The bidders each arrived in shiny, expensive new SUVs and were dressed in fine clothes. Each spoke in glowing terms about his plans for a new modern house on the soon to be empty lot. A friend suggested he consider another alternative, a man who renovated old houses. When this man arrived it was in nice looking, but older sedan. Dressed tastefully but not extravagantly he offered to take the owner to visit a few of his nearby jobs, one of which was just underway. He pointed out that the finished job started out as a home much like his old one on the lot, sound, but a bit worn, out of style and in need of paint. It was now a charming home unique in the neighborhood and very comfortable feeling inside. The one just underway looked to be even shabbier than his. Several workmen were moving about skillfully removing sections of walls according to the plans shown by the builder. The man agreed to look at the builders plans and bid for renovating his old place.

Several weeks later the man and his wife were looking over the various bids and plans. Both were struck by several intriguing facts. Though the cost for the complete renovation was slightly more than construction costs alone for new, addition of the cost of demolition made the renovation considerably cheaper. Also, the renovated home would have all the latest advances in service, utilities and appliances as the new homes plus the charm of its uniqueness–it wouldn’t look just like all the other new, cookie-cutter homes in the neighborhood. In addition, the two large trees that shaded the old house could be retained while both would have to be removed in the tear down and construction of the new. Of course they chose the complete renovation. There were three distinctly different groups of men involved in the bidding and selection process. Which of these groups would you chose to represent you politically? Men like the wreckers, rough, relatively untrained men who could easily tear down the old house, combined with those who would build completely new from the ground up requiring those standardized skills. Or would you select men who could take the existing basic structure and use those very special skills needed to select the best of the old and rework it into a comfortable new structure?

The liberal left (Feudals in my parlance) hate any form of personal freedom or individuality as they steal for themselves more and more decisions from the individual. At the same time, they mouth their mantras about the poor and downtrodden multitudes as they seek to enslave them. Ignorance is their ally, emotion is their tool and reason is their enemy. Mass hysteria is the tool they use to manipulate those who have lost the ability to reason. They have adopted this tool and the other tactics that Herman Goebbels used so effectively to enslave Nazi Germany for Hitler. This is nothing new. For all their pronouncements their only real goal is election and power for themselves. They will sacrifice anything, indeed, even bring our nation to its knees to gain or regain power for themselves. Power is their goal! Hate and destruction, even of our nation, are their tools

When the 13 colonies were still part of England, Professor Alexander Tyler, a Scottish historian, wrote about the fall of the Athenian democracy over 2000 years earlier. “A democracy can not exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates promising them the most money from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.”

This explains the effectiveness of the Feudal’s vote getting powers. Their “Tax and spend” philosophy is based in this reality and provides cheap vote buying. By pledging more and more money to more and more people, the Feudals are buying votes primarily from the poor, the weak, the helpless and anyone else looking for a handout. In spite of their “help for the downtrodden” rhetoric, they are not really interested in helping these people. They just want their vote, their blind obedience and political enslavement, promising anything to get it.

Feudals will do anything to control their people, even evil things they constantly accuse their opposition of doing. While eschewing racial bigotry, they practice political bigotry on a massive scale. For example, If you are pursuing a career in public service, academia or the entertainment world you had better speak like the Feudals or you will go nowhere. One conservative comment, or any statement in conflict with Feudal ideals and you will be black-balled. Many an aspiring social worker, actor or professor has had their career derailed after making a conservative political comment. Those in these fields are constantly being told by fellow aspirants never to speak their conservative political views or their hopes for advancement will be dashed.

Incidently Professor Tyler, the previously quoted Scottish historian, had a bit more to say about democracy. He added, “The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been about 200 years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence:

From Bondage to Spiritual Faith
From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage
From Courage to Liberty
From Liberty to Abundance
From Abundance to Selfishness
From Selfishness to Complacency
From Complacency to Apathy
From Apathy to Dependency
From Dependency back to Bondage”

Just where in this sequence would you place us at this moment?

Remember, those attack dogs and bitches are the demolishers–political destroyers who haven’t the skill or so much as a clue how to build. After demolition–complete destruction–others would come in, take over and build on the rubble and according to their completely new plans. Who knows what those plans might be? I certainly hear no concrete plans from the left. I hear lots of pap about peace, love, equality, human rights, fairness, feeding the poor, providing health care, and the favorite, “Surely the richest nation on earth can afford to support the poor.” But where are the action plans to achieve these desirable ends? Hmmmmm?

The key is, as pointed out before: destruction is infinitely easier than construction, it takes little skill or mental effort to smash things to pieces compared to the massive skills and coordinated effort required to design and fabricate the simplest object or conceive of a new idea or concept. Example, 9-11. The comparison of the number and kind of men (not really men, but brain dead, inhuman pigs) who destroyed those buildings and the time required to carry out their destructive plan with the creative genius, skills, coordinated effort, and years of careful planning required to design and build those buildings is obvious. This fact is not lost on those on the left.

Two year olds know the power of destruction and disruption all too well. They can hate and smash with little restraint until they become civilized and learn the value of cooperative humanitarian effort. The current crop of political hate mongers seem to have frozen their emotions at the age of two as they lack any creative thought and rely solely on hate and destruction to disrupt their opponents and derail any constructive efforts these opponents may mount. This is true no matter how important are these constructive efforts. Those out of power cannot afford for those in power to produce any programs or actions that will benefit the nation because it will erode even further their own standing. The better any program is for the nation as a whole, the more destructive and divisive will be the attacks of the out-of-power opposition. The more damage done to creative efforts regardless of how beneficial, the better their chances in the next election. They cannot let the majority achieve any goals the voters might see as beneficial. No matter the cost to our nation, the left will do everything in their power to prevent American success in Iraq because they know that success will spend defeat at the polls.

People have said to me, “Where are your plans? I hear your complaints too, but no plans.” Well folks, I have several plans detailed in a new book I am currently writing titled simply, “Solutions.” They are probably far from perfect, few single person plans are, but they are workable and useable and are certainly a start. Unfortunately, few legislators would even consider them because:

1) They don’t require a huge government bureaucracy to implement.

2) They definitely keep the politician’s hands out of the financial cookie jar.

3) They don’t pander to any “special interests” other than the American public.

4) They are simple and direct and don’t require a team of attorneys and accountants to explain them for us.

5) They provide for the poor and less fortunate, address affordable healthcare for all, help solve the illegal immigrants problem, add protection from terrorists.

6) They are written so real people can understand.

Since they don’t promote liberalism the left will be against them and since they don’t promote conservatism the right will be against them. Probably the only ones who would be for them are average, hard-working Americans without a political ax to grind or favor to ask. This is, of course, a shrinking portion of our populace in comparison to increasing numbers of miscreants, protesters, welfare freeloaders, government slackers, and other non-productive individuals demanding ever increasing amounts from public treasuries.

Below are listed links to several in my collection of workable plans to solve some of our most vexing problems–national and world-wide. To date I have addressed revision of our ridiculous tax structure, welfare, health care, global warming, atmospheric pollution, our dependence on foreign petroleum, the drug problem–and several others. I have also listed numerous other problems I plan to address in the future. Here are links to those plans I have posted to date.

Taxes & welfare - The Johnson Tax Code
Click here to select
Fuels - Tribrid Vehicle, The - Overview
Click here to select
Fuels - Tribrid© Vehicle Economy, The
Click here to select
Fuels - Gasoline and diesel alternatives
Click here to select
Drugs - A Real Answer to the Drug Problem
Click here to select
Security - Solution to the ID security Problem
Click here to select

What concrete plans do you have for our nation in the next fifty years? Remember, hopes, wishes and dreams, are not plans no matter how lofty, for they do not require any touch of reality. I’d certainly be eager to read of your plans. Or are you, like so many liberals, so caught up in anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-capitalism, anti-whatever effort you have no time for creative, productive, positive efforts at building? Maybe, like John Kerry, you have “secret” plans you will reveal once in office or ???? Or maybe, you are like the current administration, so bogged down in trying to compromise to suit everyone that you bring forth an unworkable program like the latest Medicare Rx Program that panders to everyone and satisfies almost noone. What do you think?

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